Help us learn too!

As part of our ongoing efforts to ensure that we're providing relevant course materials, it would help us out greatly if you could answer a few quick questions.

This information not only helps us to improve our offerings within the Learning Hub, but it also allows us to pass valuable information on to our product developers.

Thank you for taking a moment to complete this survey.

How do you currently drive traffic to your website? Please select all that apply.

Of the items you selected above, which of them have been the most helpful in increasing traffic to your website?

Please drag the options to rank them in order of most helpful (top) to least helpful (bottom).

  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Content optimization
  • Social media promotion
  • Paid advertising
  • Email marketing
  • Referral traffic from other websites or partners
  • Other

Which of the following ways to drive traffic to your website are you interested in learning more about?

Are there any tools or features that you’d like to see added to that would help you to better drive traffic to your posts and/or your website?

Thank you! Your time, feedback, and input are appreciated!