Give us your feedback on the new Jetpack Stats

Thanks for taking the time to give us feedback on the new Jetpack Stats. Your thoughts will help us make stats better for millions of people.

Which Jetpack Stats features could you not live without? *

Choose as many as you like. All features listed are found on the Traffic and Insights pages. Depending on your site content, not all features may be displayed.

Which Jetpack Stats feature(s) do you find least useful & why?

Feel free to pull from the list of features above.

What data or features are missing from Jetpack Stats?

Is there any data or info that isn't in Jetpack stats that you'd love to see? Maybe something another analytics app offers?

Are there any features that you feel are valuable, but would like some advice on how to best utilize them?

Example: “I don’t understand how referrers is valuable to me as a blogger.”

Any other thoughts about the new Jetpack Stats?

General questions

These are to help us get a better feel for the types of sites using Jetpack Stats and how we might be able to tailor data to be more useful for you.

What is your site's type or focus?

Blogging, portfolio, business, e-commerce, non-profit, or something else?

What's your site URL


Would you be willing to participate in a paid 45 minute video interview? *

We'd love to hear more about your experience in detail. Interviewees are given a $25 amazon gift card for their participation, or one year free of any Jetpack product.

If yes, drop your email in the comment below and we'll reach out!

Learn more and sign up at

Thanks for your time!