WordPress.com Daily Quick Start Webinars: Feedback Survey

Thank you for attending our webinar! To ensure that we continue to provide valuable content, we'd appreciate your feedback.

For which webinar are you providing feedback? *

Overall, how would you rate the webinar? *

Did you have any technical difficulties participating in the webinar? *

Select all that apply.

Please rate your satisfaction with the content of the webinar by indicating your level of agreement or disagreement with each of the following statements. *
Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
The webinar delivered the information I expected to receive.
The subject was presented effectively.
The pace of the webinar was satisfactory.
The duration of the webinar was sufficient for the material covered.
The presenters were knowledgeable.
As a result of this webinar, I gained new knowledge applicable to my business or website.
I plan to apply what I learned in this webinar.
I would recommend this webinar to a colleague or friend.

The webinar delivered the information I expected to receive.

The subject was presented effectively.

The pace of the webinar was satisfactory.

The duration of the webinar was sufficient for the material covered.

The presenters were knowledgeable.

As a result of this webinar, I gained new knowledge applicable to my business or website.

I plan to apply what I learned in this webinar.

I would recommend this webinar to a colleague or friend.

Have you ever taken a website building course or webinar before? *

If you answered "Yes" to the previous question, please indicate the type of blogging course:

Did the webinar information inspire you to take a particular action on your site, e.g., write a post, upload a photo, set up an account, etc.? If so, let us know!

Do you have any suggestions for future webinar topics?

If you have any additional comments or feedback, let us know below.