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Thank you for participating in Bloganuary!

We'd greatly appreciate a few minutes of your time to answer some questions so we can gather feedback on what you thought about Bloganuary. Thanks!

On a scale of 1-10, how much did you enjoy participating in Bloganuary? *

1 = Strongly disliked; 10 = Strongly enjoyed

How many posts did you publish for Bloganuary using the daily prompts as inspiration? *

Did you notice a change in your site’s average traffic during Bloganuary? *

Has participating in Bloganuary inspired you to continue blogging on a more regular basis for the rest of the year? *

What prompt(s) would you have enjoyed answering, but didn't get asked this Bloganuary?

Submit as many as you'd like!

Do you have any additional feedback you’d like to share about Bloganuary?